The New York Times - human pheromones at last have the zest of scientific truth. The experiments offer the first solid proof of the existence of human pheromones, compounds produced by one individual that can influence the biology or behavior of another
WebMD - Seventy-four percent of the people tested... experienced an increase in hugging, kissing and sexual intercourse. If you're looking for the man or woman of your dreams, pheromones... are most likely playing a large and very clever role in mate attraction.
CNN - Study finds proof that humans react to pheromones... people produce and respond to pheromones.
ABC News - The work is pivotal. It basically says, Look, people, we are influenced by people.
Lifestyle Magazine - "It's something women don't consciously smell, it works on the olfactory nerves. The woman finds the man attractive but she doesn't know why."
The Daily Telegraph - "Pheromones.... influence human behavior in a subtle way - Women are attracted to the smell."
Howard Hughes Medical Institute - A powerful sex attractant.
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